Intense Pulsed Light

LimeLight is a non-invasive Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment that can be customized for different skin tones and skin conditions. Any part of the body can be treated that has brown spots or discoloration, redness or tiny veins (telangiectasia). The procedure also improves skin tone and surface imperfections. When the pulse of light is delivered, you will experience a mild pinching or stinging sensation. Gel and a cooling device are used to minimize the discomfort. Treatment time varies and depends on the area of the body being treated. However, most treatments should take under an hour. One to four treatments are usually sufficient to see results. Shortly after treatment, brown spots will start to darken and your skin may be red. This typically lasts a few hours and possibly a day or longer. Treatment levels can be adjusted for your skin type and treatment goals and you can usually resume normal activities immediately. Within one to three weeks, the dark spots will flake and fade, redness will decrease and your mottled complexion will improve.
Rosacea and flushing can also be treated with the LimeLight and the nonablative laser. Rosacea is a chronic condition and cannot be ‘cured’ with any laser or light source; however, its appearance can be improved. First, larger vessels are treated with the vascular laser, and then a LimeLight treatment is performed. This is followed by a nonablative laser treatment. The procedure takes about 45 minutes and there is usually transient redness, and there may be discoloration if large vessels are treated. There also may be some swelling for a couple of days, especially if vessels are treated. The procedure should be done when you have some time to recover, like over a weekend.

To learn more about Intense Pulsed Light, please contact us at 406-494-0188 today to schedule an appointment.

801 Dewey Boulevard Butte, MT